vpython frame

You can group objects together to make a composite object that can be moved and rotated as though it were a single object. Create a frame object, and ...

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Python是一款簡單強大又好用的動態語言,在國外已經流行了十幾年。Python擁有更高的時效性,可以讓您的開發週期更短,並讓您的生產力提升。 簡單易學,並有內建的各種現成的模組 ...

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  • frame Place this object into a specified frame, as in ball = sphere(frame = f1). display W...
    Additional Attributes - VPython
  • If you use this method to make all the objects invisible, the f.objects list will be empty...
    Composite Objects with frame - VPython
  • Composite Objects with frame. There is currently no frame object in GlowScript. However, t...
    Composite Objects with frame - VPython Help
  • You can group objects together to make a composite object that can be moved and rotated as...
    Description of Objects in VPython - Illinois
  • Sources For most Unix systems, you must download and compile the source code. The same sou...
    Download Python | Python.org
  • f = frame() cylinder(frame=f, pos=(0,0,0), radius=0.1, length=1, color=color.cyan) sphere(...
    frame - VPython
  • Support for that library will be provided by the developer of the plug-in for Python. Ther...
    Kinect with Python
  • frame Place this object into a specified frame, as in ball = sphere(frame = f1). display W...
    options - VPython
  • Python Tkinter Frame - Learning Python in simple and easy steps : A beginner's tutoria...
    Python Tkinter Frame - Text and Video Tutorials for UPSC, ...
  • How to run these Python programs These python programs (pythlets?) are written in Python w...
    Rob's page of VPython applications for Teaching Physics ...
  • Objects other than curve, convex, faces, and points can be rotated about a specified origi...
    rotate function - VPython
  • I'm trying to figure out how to rotate a frame-object relative to its current position...
    rotation - vpython "relative" rotating a frame - S ...
  • It generates the illusion of depth by rendering each frame twice from slightly different v...
    scene.objects - VPython
  • defines a "rectangular frame" with a size 5 x 3, and a thickness of 0.1 times th...
    The shapes library - VPython
  • Setting frame.visible and frame.color should affect all the primitives in that frame (curr...
    VPython Bugs #50 frame.visible, frame.color, frame.objec ...
  • This video shows a simple way to animate 3D objects using a while loop. http://www.vpython...
    VPython Instructional Videos: 4. Loops and Animation - ...
  • vpython vpython是python的visual package,今天這堂社課將教你如何使用vpython化出3D圖形,構造機械模型,與畫出二維函數圖 installat...
    Vpython tutorial - ITRS - ITRS - 工業技術研究社
  • 進動和地球自轉軸的進動週期 [vpython: frame];8. EIT光致透明 [empty class, list representation];9. 一維晶體 [nume...
    焦點新聞_臺大特色課程系列報導-理學院-學物理寫程式 學程式寫物 ...